Don’t Hire Cheap Writers

web content writing costs

Investing in content marketing can really pay off!

Content writing does have an associated cost but don’t make the mistake of thinking that cheap web content will suffice. Chances are that if you use cheap writing you’ll get limited results with it.

Cheap  web content won’t likely help you generate sales and could even hurt your SEO efforts with Google.

Well-crafted web content, on the other hand, can make a world of difference. Effective content marketing strategies can help you in many ways:

  • Attract search engines to your content. Search engine attention can equate to better SEO rankings and a low cost of new customer acquisition.
  • Good content writing will help you convert site visitors into customers.
  • Good content will get linked to by others, increasing your exposure online.
  • Good web content will help you continually nurture customer relationships.

Cheap web content writing may fill your website but not only will the people that arrive be unimpressed but search engines will quickly see their inaction and will soon start sending traffic  somewhere else due to your site’s high bounce rate.

How Much Should Good Web Content Cost?

The cost of copywriting services is a subjective topic. You may think that a $20 article is a bargain. You might be accustomed to paying $1 for 100 words. On the other hand, you might be frustrated with the process of hiring content writers because you’ve had such terrible luck with $1 or $3 or $5 articles. You may think a $50+ article is a bargain if it does what you hope it will do — help you acquire new customers.

Keep in mind that when you hire a writer that cares about the content she or he is writing, the results can be a whole lot better. Article writers who know how SEO writing works and who can also write for your audience as well are going to help you maximize your return on investment.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

You pay for web content once and it can pay you back time and time again.

Once you post a good piece of content it can continually pay off. Keep posting quality content on an ongoing basis and you’ll develop great relationships, a great online reputation, and search engines will notice this and will reward you with plenty of organic traffic.

Need help with content marketing? I’m not a cheap writer. I don’t write for $1 an article. But my pricing is affordable and I have many repeat customers who have provided me with positive web content writing reviews.  Content marketing can do a lot of good for your business and I’d be happy to discuss helping you. Contact dana at danaprincewriting dot com to have a conversation about your needs.

SEO Web Content – What Should You Write About?

web content writing tips

Content is king but what should you write about?

Content is king in the world of SEO. Writing regular web content will help you reach your goal of attracting search engines, attracting targeted visitors, and of converting visitors into customers.  Fresh SEO content, on a regular basis, will do great things for your website.  But what should you write about?

It can be a bit challenging for non-writers to keep feeding the search engines and feeding the readers at the same time. But if you can swing it, you can build increasing traffic levels, increasing conversions, and a good level of authority in your industry. Here are tips for writing SEO web content with respect to quantity, quality, and variety.

Quantity of Writing

How much web content writing is enough?  Some businesses post content weekly, others post web content daily. Devote as much time, money, or resources to it as you can. A weekly blog post will help you. A daily blog post, while not necessarily a requirement, will help you tremendously. But don’t sacrifice quality for quantity. Make sure your content provides value to readers.

Quality of Writing

SEO content has more than one audience. Writing for the web requires a method that feeds search engine spiders and humans. Keyword density, keyword usage, optimized content, photos, and tags…

All these things are important. When you write SEO content or hire SEO content writing services, always aim to feed both types of audiences.

Content Variety

So, what should you write about? Here are some ideas:

  • Solve reader problems
  • Talk about the industry in general
  • Report on news and industry happenings
  • Talk about new products and / or services you are releasing
  • Look to generate interesting discussions (Tip: Link bait posts can do wonders for your traffic levels!)

The worldwide web is a big wide world full of ideas so if you’re stuck for ideas on what to write about, take a look around the blogosphere for your topic to see what others are talking about. You shouldn’t steal anyone’s ideas but a lot of reading will inspire you and help you continually develop your industry knowledge along the way.

Need help with your web content? I’m a blogger and web content writer who helps my clients continually feed their readers and the search engines. Feel free to contact me.

Build Better Customer Relationships Through Website Content

In  today’s B2B and B2C relationships, people don’t just buy based on desire or on pricing alone. People often base many of their buying decisions  on relationships they’ve developed with a brand. If you remember this when you do your marketing online, it will serve you well. Relationships can be built online many ways but especially through ongoing sharing of valuable information. Consumers and businesses are continually on the lookout for information to help them make decisions about what to buy.

Your website can help you build new relationships and content  can drive that website’s success.

Here are some ways to use your website content for relationship-building purposes:


Regularly publishing blog content can help you attract attention and it can help you build relationships as well. If you provide valuable content, many visitors  will come by regularly to see what else you’ve shared and some will subscribe to new content, meaning you’re going to be able to open the door to great potential for the relationship.

Your blog can be a place where you sell to people but needs to also be a place where people can obtain something valuable. You can make your business blog successful by being informative related to your niche. This type of sharing will help you develop your online reputation and create great new relationships that can benefit your business. The act of sharing through content will also naturally attract great organic search engine rankings.

Social Media Marketing

Acquiring someone’s thumbs up on social media sites opens the door to great relationship-building potential and ongoing content sharing by you will fuel success. On Facebook, for instance, you’ll have an opportunity to market to those who hit the ‘like’ button, regularly. Not only can people build relationships with you this way but the relationships you develop will help you attract new relationships. Seeing that you have a large following and seeing the helpful interaction on your pages and profiles will help you attract new prospective customers. The social media benefits are numerous. By being prolific on the big social media sites you can use content to drive attention for your sites, to engage followers, and to help expand your reach by having exposure to your followers.

Social media marketing and blogging can also do great things for you. It can help with your search engine optimization efforts, helping you leverage inbound marketing that results in interested people finding you. And when they find you, they’ll see your helpful nature and this will help you start the relationship off on the right foot.

You can also build relationships through giving away free e-books and reports as well as via video content.

Need help with development of your website content? I can help you with blogs, articles, press releases, e-books, social marketing, and more. I’ve worked with internet marketers, SEO companies, small businesses, and entrepreneurs online since 2006. Contact me  to talk about it.