How Often Should I Update My Business Blog?


Prolific Business Blogging Pays Off!

If you’re writing blog entries for SEO and business development purposes, good for you. Blog posting can continually send you a stream of new visitors (that could become customers) and is one of the best search engine optimisation strategies going. But, are you updating your business blog often enough? The more often you update your business blog the better.

This might sound a bit complex to achieve, especially when you need to not only run your business but provide blog posts that are really effective. If you’ve got to be interesting and engaging in every single post, you might not have the cycles to post very often.

It’s not just about content…

It can be challenging. Beyond producing interesting web content, you also need to meet SEO writing needs and produce blog content that appeals to visitors as well — with the right blend of keyword density, keyword proximity, LSI writing (latent semantic indexing), and effective copywriting techniques. How can you achieve this often enough?

Buy business blogging services.

Hire a blogger . You can hire a ghostblogger to manage this for you. A good blogger understands the elements of a highly effective blog post and will work to understand the needs of your audience. The blogger can write according to your suggestions or can run with your blog management entirely. The results can bring you a great deal of traffic and authority in your industry and can free up your cycles so that you have the ability to run your business and effectively manage the new leads coming your way.

Worried about costs of blogging services? Think of it this way…You pay for the blog post once but it can pay YOU many times. It can have a great ROI!

Blogging Benefits

Whether you update your blog daily or update it weekly, the more often you publish useful content on your site, the more success you’ll have with:

  • Organic SEO – Each new page on your site will have the potential to generate traffic and new SERP indexing, particularly if your blogger writes for SEO.
  • Customer relationship management – Existing customers will subscribe to your blog and be regularly reminded of your value proposition and why they choose to do business with you.
  • Social media optimisation – Blog posts provide excellent material for social media updates and social media updates will help you gather new followers and can provide even more SEO value for your site.
  • Lead generation – New readers can become new customers.

If you’re ready to increase your success, do more blog posting. If you need help, contact Dana Prince for a quote. I’m a web content writer and blogger who has been helping my clients succeed online since 2006.

1 Comment to “How Often Should I Update My Business Blog?”

  1. Build Better Customer Relationships Through Website Content - Dana Prince, SEO Writer | Dana Prince, SEO Writer — Wednesday @ 2:40 pm

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