Don’t Hire Cheap Writers

web content writing costs

Investing in content marketing can really pay off!

Content writing does have an associated cost but don’t make the mistake of thinking that cheap web content will suffice. Chances are that if you use cheap writing you’ll get limited results with it.

Cheap  web content won’t likely help you generate sales and could even hurt your SEO efforts with Google.

Well-crafted web content, on the other hand, can make a world of difference. Effective content marketing strategies can help you in many ways:

  • Attract search engines to your content. Search engine attention can equate to better SEO rankings and a low cost of new customer acquisition.
  • Good content writing will help you convert site visitors into customers.
  • Good content will get linked to by others, increasing your exposure online.
  • Good web content will help you continually nurture customer relationships.

Cheap web content writing may fill your website but not only will the people that arrive be unimpressed but search engines will quickly see their inaction and will soon start sending traffic  somewhere else due to your site’s high bounce rate.

How Much Should Good Web Content Cost?

The cost of copywriting services is a subjective topic. You may think that a $20 article is a bargain. You might be accustomed to paying $1 for 100 words. On the other hand, you might be frustrated with the process of hiring content writers because you’ve had such terrible luck with $1 or $3 or $5 articles. You may think a $50+ article is a bargain if it does what you hope it will do — help you acquire new customers.

Keep in mind that when you hire a writer that cares about the content she or he is writing, the results can be a whole lot better. Article writers who know how SEO writing works and who can also write for your audience as well are going to help you maximize your return on investment.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

You pay for web content once and it can pay you back time and time again.

Once you post a good piece of content it can continually pay off. Keep posting quality content on an ongoing basis and you’ll develop great relationships, a great online reputation, and search engines will notice this and will reward you with plenty of organic traffic.

Need help with content marketing? I’m not a cheap writer. I don’t write for $1 an article. But my pricing is affordable and I have many repeat customers who have provided me with positive web content writing reviews.  Content marketing can do a lot of good for your business and I’d be happy to discuss helping you. Contact dana at danaprincewriting dot com to have a conversation about your needs.

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