Is Your SEO Strategy Fluid or Stagnant?

a river, illustrating that SEO is fluidSEO is a bit like a river. It’s always moving. If your website isn’t always moving, it’ll go stagnant and won’t sustain much of anything good. Your website and your SEO strategy both need to be fluid in order for you to continually reap the rewards that are out there:

  • Organic Rankings
  • Keeping existing subscribers tuned in
  • Achieving and maintaining a reputation in your field

An SEO writer can help.

Search engine optimization regularly changes. It’s not easy to stay on top of things. And keeping fresh web content on your site isn’t always easy. That’s why you might look to get some help. Having continuous blog content, for instance, is a great way to continually drive search engines to your site. It’s also a great way to build authority in your niche, and continually communicate with customers and prospective customers.

Here are some tips to help you continually keep that SEO moving in the right direction:

  • Publish blog content regularly. Stagnant websites eventually stop getting noticed by search engines so optimizing your site regluarly is smart and keyword rich blog posts are one of the easiest ways to do this. Blogs are excellent tools as they can be added to your website (or operate as your website). Hire a ghostblogger who focuses on SEO, if necessary.
  • Publish off-page content regularly as well. Press releases, syndicated articles, and guest posts can do a lot for your website traffic levels and your online reputation.
  • Interact on social media sites, especially Facebook and Twitter. Drive traffic from social media to your blog and from your blog to your social media sites.They can complement each other very nicely.
  • Regularly read your website traffic reports. This will help you see where your traffic comes from as well as what they do when they are on the site. If there’s a high bounce rate, for example, you can try to improve it.
  • Find out what you’re ranking for. If you’re getting increasing traffic via search engines, you’re doing something right. Analyse where that success came from and repeat whatever you did to achieve it. If traffic levels start to slip, try to figure out why.
  • Do keyword research on a regular basis so you can strive for new organic rankings.
  • Know who your biggest competitor is. Are they doing something better than you are? Is there something they’re doing that you could do better?

SEO is a work-in-progress. SEO, search engine marketing, and other specific online marketing methods can all contribute to helping you succeed. Some website owners don’t have the cycles or the desire to stick to it and if that’s the case, they should get professional help. Whether you hire an SEO freelance writer or blogger, an SEO company, or both, if you do focus some time, energy, and money on optimizing for the search engines, the return on that investment could be very worthwhile.

Need an SEO writer? Contact me at

Does Your Web Content Deliver on Title Promises?

If you’re trying to learn how to write great web content, you’ve probably heard by now that writing a great title can reel people in.  It’s true.  And if you optimize your title for search engines as well as for potential customers, you could see profitable results with your web content.

People see titles in the search engines or on other websites that reference a title of a piece of content and that title could pique their interest and compel them to click. But after you get them to your site, you’ve got to keep them there. If you don’t grab their interest in the first paragraph and then make it very apparent that you’ll be delivering on your title promise, you’ll lose that reader in less than a nanosecond. People don’t like being led on…

Beyond pleasing your readers, you’ll want to please search engines, too. If a search engine sends a good deal of traffic your way but your visitors never make it past their landing page, search engines will quickly suss out the fact that your page isn’t ideally indexed and that your web content isn’t all that valuable…

Importance of Customer Experience

A customer (or prospective customer) reacts to experience. If your website is interesting, useful, and pleasing to the eye, you’ve got a better chance of retaining a visitor long enough to convert them from browser to buyer (or subscriber).  When crafting content and designing your web pages, always keep customer experience in mind.

Is Your Website More than a Pretty Face?

Looks do matter in online advertising. But content matters as well. A blend of both will serve you well. Here are some things to strive to do, beyond attracting someone with a catchy title:

  1. Attract new target audience visitors by being listed where they look . This is important because attracting the right visitors increases the chance of a resulting profit. Present yourself as a viable option or answer to their query. This will take research into your target audience and into competitive analysis but could pay huge dividends.
  2. Get them to your website and provide proof that you are the answer to their query. This may involve designing specific ads and resulting landing pages that cater to a certain demographic. Write great web content (or hire a web content writer)  that delivers in terms of answering their query and in demonstrating that your option is not only viable but an excellent  value proposition. Beyond landing pages alone, consider adding regular and rich content to your site. This gives new visitors more content to read and a business blog is an ideal place to continually engage readers and search engines.
  3. Present your value proposition well. Writing an effective sales letter is important. Here are tips for an effective sales letter.
  4. In case they’re not ready to buy today, find a way to convince them to opt-in to receiving future communications from you. This way, you’ll build a list of potential customers that could eventually transition to customers and then both repeat and referring customers.
  5. Continually analyze your site’s performance to see where your traffic comes from and find out what they do when they get to your site. Don’t forget to look at your site as if you are your prospective customer. Take a walk in your customer’s shoes. It can be very apparent which web pages are lacking and which ones are helping you achieve your goals.

photo: Somadjinn

Should Your Business Blog Publish Evergreen or Current Content?

Wondering whether to write online content that’s current or evergreen? Why not do both? There are definite pros to using both current and evergreen content on your business blog and website. Read on for information to help you see how each of these web content strategies could help you with your website content, search engine optimization, and building relationships with your readers.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content has staying power. It doesn’t expire. It helps you continually talk to new potential customers.  Stuff you published in 2002 could still be relevant today. Writing evergreen content can be a great way to describe the fundamentals of your industry for people new to the industry or new to dealing with your company. It can work well for educating customers and for prospective customers. Every page on your website has the potential to be an entry point to new potential customers and good evergreen content will serve you well. But all evergreen content could be robbing you of some of the great benefits of publishing current events.

Current Web Content

Current web content gets attention in headlines and it often gets linked to. Hot topics can get indexed and drive traffic in — in droves.  Using current events that relate to your industry will help you attract attention and could get you listed as a news source. Don’t forget about evergreen content, too, though. If everything on the site has a short shelf life, you’ll have to do a lot of publishing to keep people coming and you won’t benefit from the help that evergreen content will provide.

The right combination of evergreen and current content could help you become an authority and trusted advisor to your audience. This type of reputation can get you subscribers and it could help your website become the go-to resource for your industry — seen as relevant and reliable by people and by search engines which will send you traffic. Prolific content producers gain attention. It’s not always easy to keep your website updated with constant content when you have a business to run. That’s why you might consider hiring a web content writer to help.

Need help creating evergreen content and current web content?

Hiring a ghost blogger / web content writer will help you leverage your business blog (or website) to help you develop an online presence that gets recognized by search engines and by your prospective customers.  Need some blogging services? Contact me for help.

photos: Mzacha and Lusi