Website Conversion Improvements – Walk In Your Potential Customer’s Virtual Footsteps

Sometimes webmasters think so much about SEO that they forget about the customer experience.  A good way to ensure you’re meeting the needs of your customers (which will improve your conversion rates) is to walk in their shoes. A bit of playacting can help you see where your website can be improved.

Today’s internet browser wants to be catered to. The web is all about the individual user experience so if you cater to that, you’re going to do a good job of turning more site visitors into customers.

Where do you start?  Let’s start before they even land on your page. Go back and visit the search engines and pretend that you’re interested in buying what YOU are selling.

The Meta Description

The meta description is what typically helps people find you when the search engine is the source of bringing the traffic.  Does your meta description that displays on the search engine results pages accurately describe the page the visitor will land on if they click?  This description can get you traffic if it’s very compelling but if people aren’t given what they’re expecting, they won’t stay on your website for long.

The Home Page

If people arrive on your home page, does the site tell people where they are and clearly demonstrate the benefits for researching the site further?  Is it easy to navigate, easy on the eyes (not too many distracting advertisements), and is the information useful?  Is anything missing that you’d want to see if you were interested in possibly purchasing your product?

About Us

Do you have an “about” page with background on who you are and what you do? Does it give people an opportunity to contact you? People want to know who they’re buying from. Again, is anything missing that you’d want to see if you were interested in possibly purchasing your product?


Are there plenty of informational pages that can help guide people through the process of making a purchasing decision? If you’re not writing a long sales page that has 5,000 words that goes in depth to every benefit and works at overcoming any potential objection, it’s a good idea to make sure there an important element is covered on each individual page. That element is:  What’s in it for me?  Does each page offer the ability to dig further for more information or get back to the beginning (or the buy now page)?  If navigation isn’t easy and your site navigation isn’t fluid, people will probably leave.

Beyond analyzing each of your website pages to ensure you’re covering adequate keywords and tags for the purposes of SEO, you want to look at what the potential human experience is going to be as well. It’s a very good idea to take a look at your stiffest competition’s website in depth with the eyes of a potential customer as well. You don’t need to emulate or copy them but instead you need to look at it to understand what you can do BETTER than they do for the online experience of every potential customer.


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2 Comments to “Website Conversion Improvements – Walk In Your Potential Customer’s Virtual Footsteps”

  1. Does Your Web Content Deliver on Title Promises? — Tuesday @ 3:47 pm

  2. SEO Success Starts with Great SEO Writing - Dana Prince, SEO Writer | Dana Prince, SEO Writer — Saturday @ 3:29 pm

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