Are You Updating Your Business Blog Enough?

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How Often Should You Post on a Business Blog?

A business blog can do a lot for search engine optimization and for engaging clients. In terms of marketing value for you business website, blogging might be the smartest thing you do.

Are you posting on your business blog often enough?

If you haven’t posted this month… or worse…this year, this is a bad thing and you’re missing out on the potential power of business blogging. You might not think you have the time or the resources to post daily but posting on a regular basis on your business blog does several things for you:

  1. Blogging generates naturally keyword rich information pages that could lead readers to your site. Instead of leaving your website static, your blog allows you to keep main website pages the same but continually update the back end of your site. This is important for increasing search engine rankings for you as a static site could slide off the radar of search engines that would otherwise send you traffic.
  2. Business blogging helps you establish your company as an expert in your subject matter. And blogs can go viral so a strategic blogging strategy could help you hit pay dirt.
  3. Regular blogging re-engages your existing subscribers and helps you build a list of subscribers who could act when reading a new post. The more often your RSS feed has something new, the more people there are becoming aware of your brand and the more solidified your presence will be in the minds of your existing subscribers.
  4. Blogging regularly continually helps you optimize your site and your brand for social media as it provides material that you can tweet, Facebook update, Digg, and do other social commerce activities with. You can also set up auto posting with your blog so that you can save time on social media optimization, too.
  5. Blogs posted regularly tell search engines that your site has new content that needs to be crawled and indexed. That content could create new search engine rankings for you and it can also boost your existing rankings for highly coveted keyword phrases in your niche.
  6. Regular blogging helps you build a relationship with customers and prospects. Blogs done right are interactive, informative, and helpful. You can use them to engage your customers, pre-sell them, repeat sell to existing customers,  etc.
  7. New blog posts can keep old blog posts alive.  Utilizing a good intrasite linking strategy results in your continual on page linking to other areas of your website, giving you more mileage out of web content and blog posts you’ve already written.

Need help keeping your blog alive and getting it really working for you?

How often should you post on your business blog? As often as you can! Quantity is important but quality is even more important. Consider hiring a ghostblogger (hint: me!) that’s experienced with blogging and SEO writing to write keyword rich, informative, engaging content that will keep your blog fresh and help boost your marketing, search engine optimization, and social media optimization results.


5 Comments to “Are You Updating Your Business Blog Enough?”

  1. MarleyMauve's Corner — Tuesday @ 3:06 pm

  2. Up Your Website’s Conversion Rate and Boost Your Success — Thursday @ 9:39 pm

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  4. Business Blogging Tips – Optimizing Your Image Tags — Tuesday @ 5:05 pm

  5. MarleyMauve's Corner — Wednesday @ 2:43 pm

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