Up Your Website’s Conversion Rate and Boost Your Success

photo: stock xchng - Svilen001

A healthy website conversion rate equals a healthy online business. If you want to succeed online, you should continually measure and strive to boost your conversion rate.

What is a Conversion Rate?

The rate of conversion is the % of website visitors that follow your desired call to action.  If your call to action is a purchase, for instance, and you average 5 buyers for every 100 visitors, you have a conversion rate of 5%.

What is a Good Conversion Rate?

The % of conversion that signifies success is highly subjective and will clearly depend on how much website traffic you receive.  A good measure of success is that this month’s conversion rate is at least as good as — or preferably— better than last month’s rate. A continually improving rate of converting visitors into customers or subscribers (or whatever you consider to be a success).

Tips for Improving Your Site’s Conversion Rate

  • Analyse your website statistics. Look at keyword searches to determine whether or not they really apply to your site and whether or not the page the querying visitor lands on addresses their question. Answer their need strategically and you could have a new customer.
  • Tweak your web copy. If a page is getting a lot of traffic but people are bouncing off the page, this is a sign that your web copy isn’t very compelling. Consider getting professional web writing help. (Hint: Contact me via this blog’s sidebar!)
  • Write more keyword rich content to drive more traffic in. A good way to do this is via a blog. Writing keyword rich blog content can drive interested buyers to your website. (Hint: I’m a professional blogger, too.)
  • Create an offer to get people to opt in. If you’re having trouble getting visitors to buy what you’re selling, consider courting them. Many sales people can’t get a buyer the first time they attempt to sell. Some customers require relationship-building. Work on getting  visitors to opt-in to receiving future communications from you. Then, you can insert them into a sales funnel that helps build trust and that can slowly compel them toward buying. A compelling offer (such as a free report or some other valuable item) could result in people subscribing to a newsletter or following you on Facebook. Once someone is following your communications, you open the door for future opportunities to convert.

Website traffic is more about quality than quantity. Measure your conversion rate regularly and don’t stop working to raise it. Chances are that as you build the site, you’ll optimise it for organic traffic, viral potential, and for success.

1 Comment to “Up Your Website’s Conversion Rate and Boost Your Success”

  1. Are You Creating Nutrient-Dense Spider Food for Your Website? — Friday @ 2:34 pm

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