Posts tagged: SEO writing

Online Traffic ADHD – Tips to Beat the Bounce

If you want to succeed on the web, it’s important that you find a way to overcome the online ADHD an overwhelming majority of your visitors will have. What is Online ADHD? Online ADHD happens when people become so accustomed to the internet moving at warp speed that they begin to find it challenging to […]

How Keyword Dense Does My Web Content Need to Be?

Are you struggling with your web content or SEO articles in terms of keyword density? You may have heard a magical number of how many keywords to use or how dense your articles should be. If not, perhaps you’ve heard that keyword placement, latent semantic indexing, keyword silos, or keyword proximity are important. You’ll read […]

Business Blogging Tips – Optimizing Your Image Tags

Business blogging is smart for businesses. It is something that can continuously drive traffic to your site via direct and indirect methods. When search engines see regular content updates for your site, their spiders will continue to visit and index you, which will drive new traffic your way. When those spiders crawl the new content, […]