Article Syndication Benefits and Tips

Syndicated content can do a lot for your business. It can establish you as an expert and it can provide you with SEO benefits as well as draw targeted traffic in. A strategic content syndication plan could be very profitable. When you write great content and make it available for syndication, you’re offering to let others publish it as long as they keep certain elements in tact. The more people that publish this content — the better it is for you from multiple perspectives. Read on for some benefits and some tips for effective content syndication

What are some of the benefits of doing article syndication?

  • Other websites in your niche could publish your content. This can provide great backlinking opportunities that will drive up your site’s popularity as well as bring you a new potential audience who may visit your site for more information. Each link in your niche that points to your site is like getting a vote. Google likes sites with lots of votes. You want Google to like you. It’ll get you traffic and save you money with your marketing budget.
  • Content written around a strong keyword optimization strategy will help your site rank for more relevant keyword phrases and this will help your site get more traffic. Write keyword rich content articles so that your site is considered highly relevant for your subject matter.
  • Syndicated content links and sources will start ranking under your company name. This is a great opportunity for good branding and authority-building. When potential customers research you, they’ll find you but they’ll also find that you’ve provided helpful and useful information. Each article can help in the pre-sales process by informing, educating, or even entertaining your audience.

Content Syndication Tips

How do you get sites to publish your content and how can you make the most from each article written?

  • Create great content. SEO and keyword density are important but quality and intrigue needs to be there as well otherwise no one will want to publish your content.
  • Write a great resource box. Establish yourself as a professional and pique interest so people will want to click through to your link.
  • If possible put an anchor text link for keyword optimization purposes but also put a straight link. That way, if anyone publishes your article but doesn’t adhere to your guidelines for re-publishing and keeping links in tact, there is still an opportunity for their readers to find your website.
  • Set Google Alerts ( for your content title so you can see when articles are published not following your guidelines. Don’t hesitate to contact the site owner to remind them that they need to link back to the original article source or follow other re-print directions.
  • Monitor your site’s pingbacks and links so you can see where links are coming from.
  • If your article is published on a blog and conversation ensues in the comment section, subscribe and get involved. Engaging an interested audience is a great way to further benefit from posting content on other websites.
  • Bookmark your syndicated content on social media, driving extra attention to it.
  • Write syndicated content articles for directories and blogs but write press releases, too. Press releases can go viral and provide great opportunities to expand your marketing reach.
  • Write often. A regular schedule can generate a steady flow of great results.

Quality and quantity are both important. If you need help, hire a writer or writing service specialized in syndicated SEO articles (Hint: contact me!). The results could be a mixture of improved organic SEO rankings, increased authority building, and the type of exposure that could multiply your profits.

1 Comment to “Article Syndication Benefits and Tips”

  1. Boost Your Online Reputation to Increase Success — Thursday @ 4:57 pm

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