SEO Writing Tips – The Power of A Guest Blog Post

If you’re looking to increase your search engine optimization power, submitting guest blog posts or doing article writing for other sites can do several things for you.

Blog Traffic

Writing great articles for other sites in your niche can get you seen on another blog that has regular subscribers.  Those subscribers may find your post charming/interesting/helpful enough that they’ll consider visiting your blog /site and maybe doing some social bookmarking for you.

Google Relevancy

If you’ve chosen a relevant (to your niche) blog to guest post on, you are increasing your Google relevancy when you point to your site from that blog. Google’s search engine spiders take a lot into account when deciding how relevant to your niche you are and having links pointing to and from relevant sites is a great strategy for your website.

When you choose a keyword phrase you’re interested in ranking well for as your anchor text, that’s even more power for you.

Reputation Building

The more your name is out there related to your niche, the more believable as an expert you become. When people think about buying from you, they may Google your name and by finding your articles featured on many respected websites, you’re building your brand and reputation. Guest posts can be a great marketing strategy.

How do you find guest post spots?

If you look for well-ranked sites in your niche, chances are that the site owner will consider posting a guest post for you. Some request a link back from your site in return or will want to do a guest post on your site as well but many are just happy to have fresh content on their site with no strings attached (except, of course, that they’ll want a great article written so give it your best shot!).  Many site owners will accept your article for consideration if you simply write to them to ask.

In terms of SEO, brand recognition, reputation management, and social networking, a guest post really can do wonders for you.


I’m Dana Prince and I’m an  SEO writer and web marketing consultant that can help you increase your online success. Looking for writing services for hire? Contact me through this blog’s sidebar.

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