Article Writing Secrets: Knowing Your Target Audience

When I write articles for my clients I need to know who the audience is going to be. Article writing really does require more than just some keyword optimized paragraphs submitted to as many sites as possible. When I write for a client I should know whenever possible where the article is being placed so I know what the surroundings will be as well as who might be reading the articles. These important details can help me do my best work possible.

What Kind of article is needed?

It’s important for clients to talk to me about what they’re using my articles for so I know how to approach the project. Article directory pieces will have to have a really broad appeal and entice the reader and the search engines. These types of articles needn’t have as much depth as something on a client’s website but the will need to be keyword optimized along with being interesting to maximize syndication possibilities as well as search engine indexing for targeted key words. The more readable the article is to humans the better the click through rate will be as well as the rate of syndication. The more readable the article is to search engine spiders, the more exposure the article will get which means more readers will be shown the article in relation to the optimized words and phrases.

What is the purpose of the article?

Articles put directly on a client’s website might not have to be as generic and can speak more to the client’s abilities. Sales letters need to not only identify a purpose for buying something but need to address potential objections and answer nearly every question that the reader might have. If I want them to buy something, click something or pass on the word about something I need to take approach when I write.

As a freelance writer it’s my job to write client’s articles in such a way that I am able to effectively reach their desired audience. When I look at a project I consider the audience when I outline and plan my articles. Not only am I looking for what primary, secondary and tertiary keywords to use but I’m looking at the short teaser or meta descrption and I’m looking at latent semantic indexing and I’m looking at the article from the eyes of potential readers. The title has to be catchy. The articles have to have a decent keyword density, the sub headings and the amount of detail I want to reveal. The flow has to be quick and crisp so the reader can almost scan the article within a few minutes and see enough words to make them either want to read or make them want to click surrounding advertising and links.

Article writing secrets

Article writing secrets aren’t rocket science but they are an art that comes with seeing how search engines and readers react. Whether you write your own articles or are looking to hire a writer to write them for you do consider who is going to be reading your articles and who you would want to read them.

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