What Kind of Article Writing Do I Need For My Online Business?

Looking at SEO and articles? Different article writing can help your business in many different ways and can be used for different purposes. Some articles serve many purposes for you and the more content you have out there in cyberspace, the more success you can have in online business. You may want some of the following or you might have your own idea of what your business needs are.

SEO articles
SEO articles are used for article directories and placed online. SEO articles often have a few to several of your targeted keywords in them but they don’t talk specifically about your company. They provide information to an interested user and a section where the viewer can click to learn more. This will include a link to your website and can do two things for you. It can bring visitors to your website and it can also increase your search engine rankings because it creates links pointing to your website with relevant content that applies to your business. These articles generally are not sales pitches but can pique interest enough to get you some visitors and even if they don’t, they work for you out in cyberspace to create more links to your website which translates to better rankings.

SEO articles can be very effective and an important element of your SEO strategy. These articles are often syndicated and free for others to use as long as they leave your links in tact so you can see why these might be useful to your business in a viral marketing way!

Content articles
Content articles generally live on your website and talk specifically about you as a company and / or the products you sell. They are often informational articles that exist on your website that tell people more about what you do or more about your products. If you have a health site for instance that sells a specific health product, you might have several of these content articles on your site that talk about various aspects of your product. These provide content for your website which can help not only your search engine traffic but can help you as part of your efforts to keep people on your website longer. If your information provides value to them, there’s a great chance they’ll buy from you and be back for more.

Multifunctional SEO articles
Some articles have a bit of a blend to be used as both an seo article and a content article. They talk about your products and / or services without generally talking about you. These articles are general overviews in terms of content but multifunctional. They can be placed on your website and in directories but often provide general overviews without explicit detail.

Sales Letters
These articles are used to persuade people to buy your products. Many websites use a long sales article as their landing page. The sales article will provide your users with a sales pitch, talk extensively about how your product or service can benefit them and it will often be filled with testimonials, answers to objections and a call to action at the end.

Press Releases
Press releases are very basic but very effective. They announce something to the world in a way that follows newspaper articles with:

Who, what, where, when, why and interview type questions and answers. Press releases can be very effective for SEO and for getting interest in a big announcement.

This is not an exhaustive list of types of copy and content that you can use online to help you but is a great start in terms of types of articles you can have written to help your business grow. Whether you choose one of these approaches or a multi-level approach with several types of articles, getting familiar with SEO strategies and working continuously to not only get higher rankings but to keep them is an important online business strategy.


I’m Dana Prince, a professional article writer. I focus in many areas in my freelance writing career but spend quite a vast amount of my time focused on article writing for clients and SEO companies.

1 Comment to “What Kind of Article Writing Do I Need For My Online Business?”

  1. By Campbell Consulting, Thursday @ 3:09 pm

    Your post is an education in itself. Quite often, hard-working prospective clients who have been focusing on the primary needs of their own businesses do not know what kinds of writing services they need to support their work.

    As a former corporate communications director, I appreciate editorial services sites what take the time to explain not only what the services are, but why and now they will help a company improve internal and/or external communications.

    Malcolm R. Campbell

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