How Keyword Dense Does My Web Content Need to Be?

seo writing keyword densityAre you struggling with your web content or SEO articles in terms of keyword density? You may have heard a magical number of how many keywords to use or how dense your articles should be. If not, perhaps you’ve heard that keyword placement, latent semantic indexing, keyword silos, or keyword proximity are important. You’ll read varying advice so you might be wondering just what to follow.

As an experienced SEO writer I can tell you that there isn’t a magical formula for keyword success with SEO writing. Too many variables are at play so it’s impossible to determine the magic content formula for your business.  Yes, keyword optimization and integration are importnat but it’s not a good idea to simply  make your content as dense as possible unless you consider many other factors as well. Deciding on some best practises, however, is very smart.

Here are some SEO writing best practises I follow:

  • Choose a handful of keyword phrases for an article or content page.
  • Integrate some keywords into titles and subheadings.
  • Make sure keywords are used near the beginning and the end of the article or content page.
  • Make sure some important keyword phrases are hyperlinked and lead somewhere useful and logical.
  • Add an image to the content (if possible) and give it a keyword phrase name.
  • Where possible, integrate categories, tags, and solid meta descriptions.

What’s the most important piece of SEO writing advice?

Make the content count.

Regardless of how dense that piece of online content is, it’s got to be useful. It needs to serve a purpose for the reader otherwise it won’t matter where it’s indexed in search engine results pages. Yes, you want to get to the top of Google and other search engines but even more important is the need for the content to drive the visitor to action.

Need help with your web content strategy? Contact me. I help people and businesses achieve online success. I’m an experienced web content writer who understands the importance of writing for the web in a way that appeals to the eight-legged spiders and to the two-legged traffic that could become customers. Contact me for an SEO writing quote. I offer web content, e-books, press releases, social marketing management, blogging and other online writing services that can help you boost your online success rate.