Get the Kind of Web Content You Want

SEO writingBuying web content can be a really smart online marketing investment. Content sells. Content attracts traffic and search engine optimized content improves your organic Google rankings.When you hire a professional web writer, you can get great results. But, when you hire a web content writer, it’s important that you clearly communicate what you want.

Be sure to discuss:

-What the web content writing needs to do

-Who your target audience is

-Where the content will be posted

That way, the web content writer can write with your audience and your goals in mind.

How do you find a freelance writer or writing service that can do what you need them to do?

When you search for web content writer and think you’ve found the right fit, read their samples. Check their website. Google their name. These things should give you a great indication of whether or not the writer is seasoned, has a good online reputation, and whether or not the professional’s style might appeal to your audience.

If you’re just looking for a cheap content writer so you can get content and slap it up on your website, be prepared to get lukewarm results. If your site looks like a dog’s breakfast, will anyone want to eat it? Good web content will appeal to  the eight-legged search engine spiders and to your 2-legged visitors as well. If all you care about is saving money and think $3 articles will do the trick, be prepared to do a lot of rewriting to get the content the way you want.

If you want your website to succeed, you have to be prepared to invest in the right online marketing methods. Sometimes those methods take time and effort and sometimes they take dosh.  The cheapest web content writer may not be the best or the worst  but the most expensive online content writer isn’t necessarily the best, either. When looking for a content writer, use your judgement based on what you read, how the interaction goes, and based on a small initial order that can help you judge whether or not the writer can help you succeed with your project.

To Make Money Online, Sometimes You Have to Spend Money…

Think of purchasing web content as an online marketing investment and a web writer as an extended member of your marketing team. The right writer can help you get an excellent return on that investment. And once you find a writer and they get to know your wants, needs, and target audience; that ROI will continually increase.


Need web content writing services? Contact Dana Prince. (Tell me about your needs and goals and we can see if myself and my team seem like a good fit.)

3 Comments to “Get the Kind of Web Content You Want”

  1. MarleyMauve's Corner — Friday @ 9:03 pm

  2. Is Your SEO Strategy Fluid or Stagnant? - The SEO Writer — Saturday @ 4:49 pm

  3. MarleyMauve's Corner — Tuesday @ 2:58 pm

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