Frequently Asked Questions
If any of your questions are not answered here, feel free to contact me directly at dana at danaprincewriting dot com. Feel free to contact me directly for a writing quote or web marketing consultation.
Do you provide samples of your writing work?
Do you have a degree in writing or journalism?
How quickly will you deliver my project?
Will you work on my project yourself or sub it out?
Will the writing work you do for me be original?
Can you work for me now and bill me later?
Do you provide other services besides writing?
What are your writing business hours?
Do you provide samples of your writing work?
I do not do work on spec but will often have relevant samples of existing work I can show you through sending attachments or pointing you to links of my work. If I do write a sample for you, I may choose to post it online on my blog under my own name instead of sending it to you as an attachment. If this happens and you choose to purchase the sample, I will then remove it from my blog. Feel free to browse this site and you'll find plenty of examples of my content writing.
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Do you have a degree in writing or journalism?
I do not yet have a degree although I will very likely pursue that some day. My writing skills come from a love of writing and plenty of writing practice and strong research and business skills. I've been very fortunate to have some great mentors so far that have helped me. I believe that learning equals power and I strive to improve my skills on a continuous basis.
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How quickly will you deliver my project?
I will discuss your turnaround time on your writing project with you when we arrange the project. I can often work quickly and will never agree to a deadline unless I'm sure I can meet it.
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Will you work on my project yourself or sub it out?
I have a small team of freelance writers that take work from me but all new clients are seen to by myself until an established relationship has been formed and I know exactly what the client wants. Only after determining the full scope and requirements of a project will I consider training one of my team members on how to work on the project. I oversee all work and randomly check work with anti-plagiarism tools. I only work with writing team members have the same level of commitment to quality as I do.
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Will the writing work you do for me be original?
Yes! I detest plagiarism and believe strongly that the Internet needs informative and entertaining quality content instead of regurgitated or recycled words. In the unlikely event that a project does not appear unique enough for your needs, talk to me and I will have it fixed.
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Can you work for me now and bill me later?
Sorry, until you are an established client I need all work arrangements solidified up front to protect myself and my team. I need 50% up front and 50% on delivery for small projects and for larger projects may arrange an interim payment plan with you but I cannot provide work to new clients without some form of protection for myself. I'm sure you understand. Once clients are established, we can set up payment terms. Most established clients need to pay invoices within five business days.
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Do you provide other services besides writing?
Beyond SEO writing, I offer a variety of content and business marketing services, such as: community forum management, social marketing services, project management, mentoring, marketing work, and SEO consultations for clients. Talk to me about your needs. My aim to help online businesses succeed and web content can help you do that with search engines and with your audience.
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What are your writing business hours?
I am rarely far away from answering emails. My computer seems to think it is an extension of me. I'm an entrepreneur that continues to strive for work/life balance but because I love my work, I often answer emails late at night and on the weekends.I work with clients in several time zones and you'll find that I provide excellent response time to queries. If I'm ever out of the office for an extended period of time (which is rare) I will either answer emails on the go or provide established clients with a back-up contact for emergencies.
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